Teacher Notes
Communicate Your Results
(1 - 1½ hours depending on sophistication of advertisements)
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In this activity, students will work in their STEM teams to create a print or video advertisement that publicizes their children's meal and describes their work in creating it. Have students turn to page 18 of their Engineering Portfolios before they begin. Let them know that their advertisement will serve to let the public know about the meal they have created, and it will also serve as an assessment of their work over the course of the lesson. Share with them the rubric that will be used to grade their work.
You will also need to give some thought to putting together a panel to receive and help judge the students' presentations. You could invite a manager or executive of a local fast food restaurant, the head of your school cafeteria, or other teachers or parents who can volunteer to serve on the panel. As an alternative, you could also ask students to make presentations at the next PTA meeting or other community meeting for an authentic audience of parents and students. Students could also upload their presentations to the school's website and ask for feedback online.
Standards Addressed:
WHST. 9-10.1,
MTESC – Engineering Design and Development