What Is Obesity?

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), more than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) and approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2—19 years are obese.
Some health experts say that fast food is contributing to obesity. But what exactly is obesity?
Create a concept map to show what you know about obesity. Use the map on page 1 in your Engineering Portfolio to get started, or your teacher may give you directions for completing your map online.
Start by writing "What is Obesity?" in the center bubble. Write a definition for obesity based on what you already know. Next, brainstorm causes of obesity, health problems caused by obesity, and how people can fight obesity. Keep adding new bubbles and new ideas as you think of them.
After you have completed your concept map, conduct research online. Visit reputable sites to gather information that confirms or corrects your ideas. You may also add additional statements to your map. Use the links below to expand upon and refine your ideas.
> What Are Overweight and Obesity?
(from National Institutes of Health)
> Healthy Weight
(from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
> Overweight and Obesity
(from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
> Understanding Obesity in America
(from American Heart Association)
> CDC-TV: The Obesity Epidemic (video)
(from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
> Let's Move! (video)
Click on "The First Lady Introduces Let's Move!"