Appendix H: MSDE Standards
Next Generation Science Standards – Final Release
HS-LS1 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
Students who demonstrate understanding can:
HS-LS1-6. Construct and revise an explanation based on evidence for how carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen from sugar molecules may combine with other elements to form amino acids and/or other large carbon-based molecules.
HS-LS1-7. Use a model to illustrate that cellular respiration is a chemical process whereby the bonds of food molecules and oxygen molecules are broken and the bonds in new compounds are formed resulting in a net transfer of energy.
Maryland Common Core Writing Standards in Science and Technical Subjects
- WHST. 9-10.1 Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content.
- WHST.9-10.2 Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical evens, scientific procedures/experiments, or technical procedures.
- WHST.9-10.7 Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
Maryland Common Core Reading Standards in Science and Technical Subjects
- RST.9-10.3 Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks, attending to special cases or expectations defined in the text.
- RST.9-10.4 Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain specific words and phrases as they are sued in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 9-10 texts and topics.
Maryland Common Core State Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies
- RH.9-10.9 Compare and contrast treatments of the same topic in several primary and secondary sources.
Maryland Health Education Standards
1. Apply the decision-making process to personal issues and problems.
a. Demonstrate the ability to utilize strategies when making decisions related to health needs and risks of young adults.
b. Analyze health concerns that require collaborative decision-making.
c. Predict immediate and long-term impact of health decisions on the individual, family, and community.
d. Apply strategies and skills needed to attain personal health goals.
e. Formulate an effective plan for lifelong health.
A. Personal Health Maintenance
1. Evaluate and practice health enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks.
Evaluate how factors, such as culture, media, and peers, influence health information, perceptions, behaviors, and product and service selection.
1. Analyze the benefits of maintaining a healthy weight.
a. Discuss what constitutes a healthful weight based on the Body Mass Index (BMI).
b. Assess the benefits of physical activity in relationship to weight management.
c. Describe the concept of energy balance.
d. Evaluate common factors that contribute to excess weight gain.
2. Analyze influences on eating and activity behaviors.
a. Investigate the influences on personal eating and activity behaviors.
b. Argue the impact of influences on nutrition and activity choices.
c. Determine strategies to maximize positive influences and minimize negative influences.
3. Analyze eating and activity behaviors that need improvement.
a. Identify areas of personal eating behaviors that need improvement.
b. Assess personal fitness and identify areas of personal physical activity behaviors that need improvement..
c. Determine a plan of action to address areas targeted for improvement.
The Designed World:
Students will demonstrate knowledge of the major enterprises that produce the goods and services of the
designed world.
Indicator Statement:
Conduct research on the impacts of medical technologies, agricultural and
biotechnologies, energy and power technologies, information and communication technologies, transportation technologies, manufacturing technologies, and construction technologies.
- Explain how the sciences of biochemistry and molecular biology have made it possible to manipulate the genetic information found in living creatures.
- Explain and demonstrate how information and communication systems can be used to inform, persuade, entertain, control, manage, and educate.
- Demonstrate that there are many ways to communicate information, such as graphic and electronic means.
- Identify and demonstrate how servicing keeps products in good operating condition.
- Explain how chemical technologies provide a means for humans to alter or modify materials and to produce chemical products.
- Describe how the sciences of biochemistry and molecular biology have made it possible to manipulate the genetic information found in living creatures.
- Describe how agriculture includes a combination of businesses that use a wide array of products and systems to produce, process, and distribute food, fiber, fuel, chemical, and other useful products.
The Nature of Technology:
Students will develop an understanding of the nature of technology.
Indicator Statement:
Identify and use resources and strategies for keeping abreast of advances in technologies. (MD CLG, Skills for Success)
Identify and demonstrate how the selection of resources involves trade-offs between competing values, such as availability, cost, desirability, and waste.
Indicator Statement:
Explain that inventions and innovations are the result of specific, goal-oriented research.
- Identify and describe how inventions and innovations are the results of specific, goal-oriented research.
- Describe that most development of technologies these days is driven by the profit motive and the market.
- Demonstrate and explain how a number of different factors, such as advertising, the strength of the economy, the goals of a company, and the latest fads contribute to shaping the design of and demand for various technologies.
The Impacts of Technology:
Students will develop abilities to assess the impacts of technology.
Indicator Statement:
Identify needs not being met by current technologies and emerging technological solutions that may meet those needs (MD CLG, Skills for Success)
- Describe and demonstrate how design problems are seldom presented in a clearly defined form
- Explain how requirements of a design, such as criteria, constraints, and efficiency, sometimes compete with each other.
- Explain how technological problems must be researched before they can be solved.
Indicator Statement:
Make informed decisions about the use of technology, weighing the trade-offs between positive and negative effects.
- Demonstrate and explain that technological innovation often results when ideas, knowledge, or skills are shared within a technology, among technologies, or across other fields.
Engineering Design and Development:
Students will demonstrate knowledge of and apply the engineering design and development process.
Indicator Statement:
Develop an understanding of the cultural, social, economic, and political impacts of engineering design and development.
- Demonstrate and document processes and procedures and communicate them to different audiences using appropriate oral and written techniques.
- Use computers and calculators to access, retrieve, organize, process, maintain, interpret, and evaluate data and information in order to communicate
Indicator Statement:
Develop an understanding of the impact of society on engineering design and development.
- Explain that when new technologies are developed to reduce the use of resources, considerations of trade-offs are important.
Indicator Statement:
Apply the design process (STL-11)
- Demonstrate and describe that the design process includes defining a problem, brainstorming, researching and generating ideas, identifying criteria and specifying constraints, exploring possibilities, selecting an approach, developing a design proposal, making a model or prototype, testing and evaluating the design using specifications, refining the design, creating or making it, and communicating processes and results.
- Demonstrate and explain that design problems are seldom presented in a clearly defined form.
- Explain how the design needs to be continually checked and critiqued, and the ideas of the design must be redefined and improved.
- Identify and describe that requirements of a design, such as criteria, constraints, and efficiency, sometimes compete with each other.
- Identify criteria and constraints and determine how these will affect the design process.
- Refine a design by using prototypes and modeling to ensure quality, efficiency, and productivity of the final produce
- Evaluate the design solution using conceptual, physical, and mathematical models at various intervals of the design process in order to check for proper design and to note areas where improvements are needed.
- Develop and produce a product or system using a design process.
- Evaluate final solutions and communicate observation, processes, and results of the entire design process, using verbal, graphic, quantitative, virtual, and written means, in addition to three-dimensional models.
Maryland Common Core State Curriculum Framework for Algebra I High School Mathematics
Standards for Mathematical Practices
- Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
- Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
- Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
- Model with mathematics.
- Use appropriate tools strategically.
- Attend to precision.
- Look for and make use of structure.
- Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
S.ID.2 Use statistics appropriate to the shape of the data distribution to compare center (median, mean) and spread (interquartile range, standard deviation) of two or more different data sets.
Core Learning Goals: Science
Goal 3: Concepts of Biology
ᅠThe student will be able to explain the correlation between the structure and function of biologically important molecules and their relationship to cell processes.
Indicator 3.1.3ᅠThe student will be able to compare the transfer and use of matter and energy in photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic organisms.
Maryland State STEM Standards of Practice ᅠ(SSOP)
1. Learn and Apply Rigorous Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Content
STEM proficient students will
learn and apply rigorous content within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines to answer complex questions, to investigate global issues, and to develop solutions for challenges and real world problems.
- Demonstrate an understanding of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics content.
- Apply science, technology, engineering, or mathematics content to answer complex questions, to investigate global issues, and to develop solutions for challenges and real world problems.ᅠ
2. Integrate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Content
STEM proficient students will
integrate content from science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines as appropriate to answer complex questions, to investigate global issues, and to develop solutions for challenges and real world problems.
- Analyze interdisciplinary connections that exist within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines and other disciplines.
- Apply integrated science, technology, engineering, mathematics content, and other content as appropriate to answer complex questions, to investigate global issues, and to develop solutions for challenges and real world problems.
3. Interpret and Communicate Information from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematicsᅠ
STEM proficient students will interpret and communicate information from science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to answer complex questions, to investigate global issues, and to develop solutions for challenges and real world problems.
- Identify, analyze, and synthesize appropriate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics information (text, visual, audio, etc.).
- Apply appropriate domain-specific vocabulary when communicating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics content.
- Engage in critical reading and writing of technical information.
- Evaluate and integrate multiple sources 0of information (e.g.: quantitative data, video and multimedia) presented in diverse formats.
- Develop an evidence-based opinion or argument.
- Communicate effectively and precisely with others.
Engage in Inquiry
STEM proficient students will engage in inquiry to investigate global issues, challenges, and real world problems.
- Ask questions to identify and define global issues, challenges, and real world problems.
- Conduct research to refine questions and develop new questions.
5. Engage in Logical Reasoning
STEM proficient students will engage in logical reasoning
to answer complex questions, to investigate global issues, and to develop solutions for challenges and real world problems.
- Engage in critical thinking.
- Evaluate, select, and apply appropriate systematic approaches (scientific and engineering practices, engineering design process, and/or mathematical practices).
- Apply science, technology, engineering, and mathematics content to construct creative and innovative ideas.
- Analyze the impact of global issues and real world problems at the local, state, national, and international levels.
6. Collaborate as a STEM Team
STEM proficient students will collaborate as a STEM team
to answer complex questions, to investigate global issues, and to develop solutions for challenges and real world problems.
- Identify, analyze, and perform a STEM specific subject matter expert (SME) role.
- Share ideas and work effectively with a STEM focused multidisciplinary team to achieve a common goal.
- Listen and be receptive to ideas of others.
- Analyze career opportunities that exist in a variety of STEM fields relevant to the STEM focused multidisciplinary team's goal.
7. Apply Technology Strategically
STEM proficient students will apply technology appropriately
to answer complex questions, to investigate global issues, and to develop solutions for challenges and real world problems.
- Identify and understand technologies needed to develop solutions to problems or construct answers to complex questions.ᅠᅠᅠ
- Analyze the limits, risks, and impacts of technology.
- Engage in responsible/ethical use of technology.
- Improve or create new technologies that extend human capability.