Fast Food Challenge

Question 1

How many pounds of French fries, on average, do Americans eat per year?


6 lbs

10 lbs

 29 lbs

50 lbs


Answer: Twenty-nine pounds is about two medium French fry orders a week. 

The image shows different sizes of containers of French fries ordered from smallest to largest.


Question 2
How much money do Americans spend per year on fast food?

About $1 million
About $1 billion
About $ 75 billion
About $110 billion

Answer:  Americans spend about $110 billion yearly on fast food. That is about $350 a year for every man, woman and child in America.

The image shows a pallet of 100 dollar bills.
Image Caption: This is $1 million. It would take 1000 of these pallets to make $1 billion.



Question 3
Americans drink, on average, a gallon of soda  every ____ days?

4 days
8 days
16 days  
22 days

Answer:   Americans drink, on average, a gallon of soda every 8 days. Over the course of an entire year, Americans will drink 45 gallons of soda. That translates to about 42 pounds of added sugar!

The image shows two 2-liter bottles of soda.
Image Caption: One gallon of soda is about two 2-liter bottles.

Question 4
Which graph correctly shows the percentage of American adults considered obese in 2010?


18 %



Answer:  About 36% of adults and 17% of children and adolescents are obese.

The image shows pie graphs that represent 9 percent, 18 percent, 27 percent and 36 percent.

Question 5
What percentage of the U.S. population eats at a fast food restaurant at least every other day?


5 %




Answer:  About 20%, or one out of every five Americans, eats at a fast food restaurant at least every other day. 

The image shows pie graphs that represent 5 percent, 10 percent, 20 percent, and 40 percent.